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Frontrunning: August 23

  • Trump Tries to Recharge His Base in Arizona Rally (WSJ)
  • Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding (BBG)
  • Trump defends response to Charlottesville violence (Reuters)
  • Trump Assails Media in Angry Defense of Charlottesville Response (BBG)
  • North Korea presses rocket program, but amid signs of drama easing (Reuters)
  • Military conflict with North Korea can be avoided: Germany's Merkel (Reuters)
  • ECB chief Draghi: QE has made economies more resilient (BBC)

Stocks Slide After Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Wall Funding, Killing NAFTA

Stocks Slide After Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Wall Funding, Killing NAFTA

Yesterday, when stocks surged at the market open following Politico's report that Trump is unexpectedly "making strides" on tax reform, we warned that "it can all be wiped away as soon as tonight, when Trump will deliver a speech to his "base", in which he may promptly burn any of the goodwill he created with capital markets following his far more conventional Afghanistan speech last night."Well, that's precisely what happened, because on Tuesday night, in another fiery campaign rally, Trump fiercely defended his response to violence in Charlottesville, made passing remarks from a
