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Atlantic Council

Cyber Firm Behind “Russian Hacking” Claims Has Ties To Soros-Supported Think Tank

Cyber Firm Behind “Russian Hacking” Claims Has Ties To Soros-Supported Think Tank

Via Disobedient Media

The cyber firm Crowdstrike has been one of the main proponents of allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 American presidential elections using their cyber capabilities. The analysis performed by Crowdstrike was relied on almost exclusively by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to establish their claims of "Russian hacking."

Saudis To "Modernize" Economy As Interbank Rates Surge & Money Supply Collapses At Record Pace

Saudis To "Modernize" Economy As Interbank Rates Surge & Money Supply Collapses At Record Pace

For the first time since January 2009, 12-month Saudi interbank rates have breached 2.00% - double the 1% lows of August.


This 'stress' is also evident in the record pace of collapse of Saudi money-supply.


 While Riyal forwards have rallied back from extreme bets on devaluation, they remain concerning for Saudi officials who to undertake some deep and fundamental changes to their economy, reforms that no amount of browbeating from organizations like the IMF could induce.