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Speculators Have Never Been This Short VIX (As Volatility Hits Record Low)

Speculators Have Never Been This Short VIX (As Volatility Hits Record Low)

This is not how it's supposed to work...

"Buy low, Sell high" they say. But in the new normal of risk-parity strategies, momentum igniters, and trend-following CTA flows, its "Buy high, buy more higher... and never sell until you're forced to liquidate"

Amid the longest period of low volatility complacency in US stock market history, which saw realized volatility and VIX (expectations for future volatility) collapse to near-record lows...


"If Only" - The Untold Origins Of The Federal Reserve

Authored by Chris Campbell via,

“Progressive” is often a word we hear bandied about to describe very destructive things.

It’s “progressive,” for example, to believe taking responsibility for your individual thoughts, words and actions is a fool’s errand. When taken to its extreme, as it often is, many self-described progressives believe you are responsible for the actions, past and present, of your “group” — and such group, whether you like it or not, is decided for you without your input.
