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The Math Behind OPEC's Revised Production Cut Still Does Not Work

The Math Behind OPEC's Revised Production Cut Still Does Not Work

"Whatever it takes."

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak

That's what Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih and his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak said in a statement overnight in Beijing they would do to reduce the global oil inventory overhang, using the immortal phrase coined by ECB's Mario Draghi five years ago in his successful bid to defend the euro. For OPEC, however, "whatever it takes" may not be enough.

Too Far, Too Fast? Strategists Expect European Stocks To Tumble By Year-End

Too Far, Too Fast? Strategists Expect European Stocks To Tumble By Year-End

Equity strategists are cooling on the prospects for further gains in European stocks just as investors poured a record amount of money into the region’s equity funds...

After a French election victory for centrist Emmanuel Macron and analysts suggesting that optimism over better profits is largely priced in, forecasters now see fewer triggers for the rally to continue in 2017.

Here's Why You'll Pay Higher Gas Prices Whatever The Market

Authored by Irina Slav via,

The average gasoline tax in the U.S. is 49.5 cents per gallon, according to data from the American Petroleum Institute. That’s not too bad as far as averages go, but it has been climbing over the last five years and it will continue rising as states lose hope that the federal government will chip in for infrastructure construction and maintenance, and transportation.
