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Is The Blockchain About To Disrupt This $7 Trillion Industry?

Is The Blockchain About To Disrupt This $7 Trillion Industry?

Authored by Teeka Tiwari via,

Recently, I wrote about a small $100,000 trade of cheese and butter.


This one trade changed 400 years of history in just four hours.

How so? Normally, it would take 10 days to handle the paperwork. But this trade concluded in less than four hours.

The solution: a blockchain platform that streamlined the entire process.

While the trade was small, it was big for the $7 trillion trade finance industry.

Bank of England Gold Vaults Bled 1500 Tonnes of Gold over 2013-2016 New Data Shows

Bank of England Gold Vaults Bled 1500 Tonnes of Gold over 2013-2016 New Data Shows

Submitted by Ronan Manly,

An article in February on BullionStar’s website titled “A Chink of Light into London’s Gold Vaults?” discussed an upcoming development in the London Gold Market, namely that both the Bank of England (BoE) and the commercial gold vault providers in London planned to begin publishing regular data on the quantity of physical gold actually stored in their gold vaults.
