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In Today's Fiat Money Financial System, 'The House' Always Wins

In Today's Fiat Money Financial System, 'The House' Always Wins

Authored by Economic Prism's MN Gordon, via,

The Raw Deal

We stepped out on our front stoop Wednesday morning and paused to take it all in.  The sky was at its darkest hour just before dawn.  The air was crisp.  There was a soft coastal fog.  The faint light of several stars that likely burned out millennia ago danced just above the glow of the street lights.


And this is what they saw watching the sky from Mt. Wilson that night…

Chinese Stocks, Bonds, Commodities Shun Global Euphoria Amid Government Leverage Crackdown

Chinese Stocks, Bonds, Commodities Shun Global Euphoria Amid Government Leverage Crackdown

Despite another liquidity injection and the rest of the world in 'euphoric risk-on' mode over the French election results, Chinese stock, bond, and commodity markets tumbled overnight...

On Friday, we asked "Is China Trying To (Slowly) Burst Another Stock Market Bubble?" as Chinese monetary conditions were tightening dramatically...

And, as Bloomberg reports, it seems the catalyst is further crackdowns on shadow-banking.

Executive Order From Trump Will Change The US Commodity Sector

Executive Order From Trump Will Change The US Commodity Sector

Last week, a request from the Uranium Producers of America (‘UPA’) grabbed the headlines, as the organization was asking the US Department of Energy (DOE) to suspend the sale of (physical) uranium on the spot market. The UPA correctly described the status of the US based Uranium producers as ‘fragile’, and it’s pretty clear the DOE has been a huge ‘help’ in destroying America’s domestic uranium market.

Frontrunning: April 24

  • French election relief sends Europe soaring (Reuters)
  • Gloves off as Le Pen and Macron pitch for final battle (Reuters)
  • French Runoff Creates Fresh Political Divisions (WSJ)
  • U.S. Government Shutdown May Hinge on Trump’s Demand for Mexico Wall (BBG)
  • Congress returns as Trump pressures Democrats ahead of funding deadline (Reuters)
  • The Rich Are Living Longer and Taking More From Taxpayers (BBG)
  • Mattis Pays Surprise Visit to Kabul (WSJ)
  • Bomb attack hits U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan (Reuters)
