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Existing Home Sales Soar To 10-Year Highs

Existing Home Sales Soar To 10-Year Highs

Following February's 3.9% drop, March existing home sales roared back (up 4.4% MoM - the fastest growth since Dec 2015) to the highest since Feb 2007 at 5.71 million SAAR. Inventories tumbled (for the 22nd month in a row) and prices rose (for the 61st month in a row) as affordability issues remain ignored (for now).

It seems, unlike 2013, that rising rates are not affecting demand for existing homes at all... (yet)

The Details

'Soft' Data Bloodbath - Manufacturing/Services PMI Plunge Below Trump Election Lows

'Soft' Data Bloodbath - Manufacturing/Services PMI Plunge Below Trump Election Lows

Having now plunged for three straight months, Markit's PMI surveys for Manufacturing and Services plunged back below pre-election lows in April, crushing the dreams of 'soft' survey hopers as Markit notes the latest data "suggest the US economy lost further momentum at the start of the second quarter."

The Composite flash PMI for April printed 52.7 - the lowest since September 2016. 

What happens next?


Why the Big Banks Are Terrified of Le Pen Winning in France (but not BREXIT or Trump)

France holds the first round of its Presidential election this weekend.

The big worry for the markets is the fact that anti-Euro candidate Marin Le Pen could potentially win.

Now, the polls show Le Pen as having NO chance of becoming Prime Minister. 

Of course, the polls also showed that BREXIT would not happen and Hillary Clinton had a 98% of becoming President.

We all know how those turned out.
