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Equity Research Faces "Major Disruption" As Study Finds "Less Than 1%" Of Reports Are Actually Read

Equity Research Faces "Major Disruption" As Study Finds "Less Than 1%" Of Reports Are Actually Read

What if we were to tell you that for the bargain basement price of just $10,000 per hour you could buy yourself the privilege of a 1-hour conversation with an equity research analyst from a top-notch investment bank, would that be something that might be of interest to you?  While we hate to be overly pessimistic, we're gonna go out a limb and guess that most of you answered in the negative to that question.

Top Turkish Banker Arrested At JFK Airport Over Massive Gold Money-Laundering Scheme

Top Turkish Banker Arrested At JFK Airport Over Massive Gold Money-Laundering Scheme

If Turkish president Erdogan needed one more reason to go ballistic in his daily comparisons of western leaders to Hilter and the Nazis, he got it this morning when a top executive at Halkbank, one of Turkey’s largest state-owned banks was arrested at JFK airport on charges of conspiring with an Iranian-Turkish financier who is awaiting trial for using his network of companies to circumvent Iranian sanctions.
