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PBOC Injects Hundreds Of Billions Into Chinese Banks After Sudden Defaults In Interbank Payments

PBOC Injects Hundreds Of Billions Into Chinese Banks After Sudden Defaults In Interbank Payments

As is customary virtually every time the Chinese central bank commences some form of tightening, overnight the PBOC injected "hundreds of billions of yuan into the financial system after some smaller lenders failed to repay borrowings in the interbank market", according to people familiar with the matter.

Ally Financial Slashes Guidance As Used Car Prices Suffer "Worst Decline In 20 Years"

Ally Financial Slashes Guidance As Used Car Prices Suffer "Worst Decline In 20 Years"

For those of you holding out hope that the North American auto market is anything but a massive debt-fueled bubble on the verge of imminent collapse, you may want to avert your eyes now.  For the rest of us who prefer to live in reality, as painful as it can be, today's FY2017 earnings warning from Ally Financial offers a stinging wakeup call to auto investors. 

Goldman Building "Robo-Adviser" For Its 'Poor' Clients (A.K.A. Those With Only $1 Million To Invest)

Goldman Building "Robo-Adviser" For Its 'Poor' Clients (A.K.A. Those With Only $1 Million To Invest)

For all you 'poor' people (and you know who we're talking about...all you people with only around $1 million of liquid investable assets) out there who always wanted to invest their money with Goldman Sachs but didn't have the $50 million net worth required to become a private wealth client, today may just be your lucky day. 
