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Banks Slash Loan Books While Equities Hover Near All-Time Highs; Someone Is Massively Wrong

Banks Slash Loan Books While Equities Hover Near All-Time Highs; Someone Is Massively Wrong

Over this past weekend we noted that the Fed's latest weekly commercial bank loan data revealed some rather shocking deterioration in year-over-year loan growth.  As shown in the chart below, after growing 4.6% one week ago, total loans and leases grew only 4.2% in the week ended March 8: the lowest growth rate since May 2014.

Passive Aggressive Pigs Get Slaughtered

Passive Aggressive Pigs Get Slaughtered

Authored by Paul Brodsky via,

Passive Aggressive

Investment capital is in the process of shifting to fit investor objectives that have always been there but never satisfied. Passive investing, which is to say gaining mostly long exposure to stocks and bonds, is nothing new. ETFs are innovations for the majority of investors that directly or indirectly just want to be in the market. ETFs currently total about $2.6 trillion and PwC projects that figure to double by 2020, all at the expense of active management.

Dear America: Better Read The Fine Print On Your Credit Card Statement

Dear America: Better Read The Fine Print On Your Credit Card Statement

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

What will replace the current system after it self-destructs? That's the question.

You know those disclosures on your credit card statements? That it will take 27 years to pay off your balance if you only make the minimum payment each month, and so on?

You might not be aware of it, but America's "credit card"--our national debt--comes with its own disclosure statement:

WTI/RBOB Pump'n'Dump After Surprise Inventory Data

WTI/RBOB Pump'n'Dump After Surprise Inventory Data

After last week's surprise draw (but big build at Cushing), API reports a bigger than expected crude (and Cushing) build and bigger than expected draw in Gasoline inventories. For now, both WTI and RBOB kneejerked higher but WTI faded very rapidly.



  • Crude +4.539mm (+3mm exp)
  • Cushing +1.968mm
  • Gasoline -4.934mm (-2.4mm exp)
  • Distillates -883k

Another big Cushing build and another big gasoline draw...
