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Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama Protections On Student Loans...Sorry, Snowflakes

Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama Protections On Student Loans...Sorry, Snowflakes

Just days after reports emerged that student loan defaults are soaring, which is undoubtedly due to some combination of, among other things, poor job prospects for the millions of snowflakes who graduate each year with their $200,000 educations in anthropology and the moral hazard created by liberal politicians constantly calling for student debts to be 'forgiven' (a.k.a. forcefully jammed down the throats of taxpayers), the Trump administration has revoked rules put in place by Obama that barred student debt collectors from charging penalty fees on past-due loans.

Yardeni Warns "Late In The Game To Be A long-Term Investor" In Stocks

Yardeni Warns "Late In The Game To Be A long-Term Investor" In Stocks

Excerpted from Dr. Ed Yardeni's blog,

US Flow of Funds: ETFs Driving Stocks Higher

...the saying that a picture is “worth a thousand words” is attributed to newspaper editor Tess Flanders discussing journalism and publicity in 1911. We have always believed that a chart is worth a thousand data points in a time series. Given our chosen profession, we tend to focus on the data for the equity and debt markets in the Fed’s quarterly statistical extravaganza. Let’s focus on equities:

Oil Shorts Soar By 2nd Most In History As OPEC Hope Fades

Oil Shorts Soar By 2nd Most In History As OPEC Hope Fades

During a week that saw WTI crude prices erase all post-OPEC-production-cut-deal gains, after the Saudis admitted 'cheating' (but rapidly back-pedalled), oil speculators added almost 80,000 contracts to their short positions - the 2nd most in 34 years.


This surge in shorts reduced the massive record net long crude positioning by the 2nd most in history - but clearly it remains extremely one-sided still...

