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31% Of College Students Spend Their Loans On Spring Break

31% Of College Students Spend Their Loans On Spring Break

As Washington D.C. liberals continue their fight for 'free' college education for all (which, of course, is just a nicer way of saying largely useless community college education crammed down the throats of taxpayers) and student loan forgiveness programs, a new study from LendEDU reveals some of the shocking realities behind where college students are really spending their $1.3 trillion worth of student debt. 

Bond Blooodbath - Treasuries Haven't Seen A Longer Losing-Streak Than This In 43 Years

Bond Blooodbath - Treasuries Haven't Seen A Longer Losing-Streak Than This In 43 Years

Overnight saw Chinese money markets start to get angry and the Yuan tumble, Draghi didn't help, and Spicer's Glass-Steagal comments did not create hope - with credit, copper, crude, emerging markets, risk-parity funds, and now china all crumbling, is tomorrow's payroll print the catalyst for stocks to wake up?
