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Why OPEC Is Colluding With Hedge Funds

Why OPEC Is Colluding With Hedge Funds

Something unprecedented happened last November when OPEC sat down in Vienna to hammer out the final terms of its oil production cut deal (which, incidentally, has yet to translate into a drop of all time high inventories): one day before the summit, the oil producing cartel - or rather Saudi Arabia - secretly invited hedge funds to sit in on the negotiations and provide OPEC, with input on what to do.

You Bought A Lot of Overpriced Dogshit Stocks - Now What? (Video)

You Bought A Lot of Overpriced Dogshit Stocks - Now What? (Video)

By EconMatters

We discuss Politicians on both sides of the aisle and the propensity for overpromising and under delivering, and what this means for the stock market longer term. Paper Profits do not count for much in the end. You can buy Dogshit Stocks at all-time highs, but then you are stuck with Dogshit Stocks at all-time highs in your portfolio. That usually ends well for investors!

Weak 3 Year Auction Tails Despite Highest Yield Since April 2010

Weak 3 Year Auction Tails Despite Highest Yield Since April 2010

In a somewhat surprising auction, despite trading special in repo this morning at -0.50%, traditionally an indicator of a squeeze into the auction, today's sale of $24 billion in 3 Year paper tailed modestly, printing at 1.63%, 0.6bps wide of the When Issued of 1.624% at 1pm.The yield was the highest going all the way back to April 2010, and certainly higher than the 1.427% in February or the 1.229% six prior auction average.
