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China's Banking System Hits $33 Trillion, Overtaking The Eurozone As World's Largest

China's Banking System Hits $33 Trillion, Overtaking The Eurozone As World's Largest

Something historic, if largely unnoticed, took place at the end of 2016: China’s banking system surpassed that of the eurozone, becoming the world’s largest by assets, which according to the FT is a sign of both of the country’s increased influence in world finance and its reliance on debt to drive growth since the global financial crisis. It is also a confirmation that when it comes to interwoven, "Too Big To Fail" financial systems, nothing compares to China and that the onus is on Beijing to keep its banks viable and solvent at all costs.

Graham Summers’ Weekly Market Forecast (Inflation Edition)

Graham Summers’ Weekly Market Forecast (Inflation Edition)

The simplest outline for this week concerns inflation.

Stocks have erupted higher in the last month based on the belief that the economy is roaring once again. However, this is all about sentiment, not reality. The Fed’s own real-time GDP tracking tools has collapsed from predicting growth of 3.5% in early February to just 1.9% last week.

While “growth” isn’t coming anytime soon… INFLATION is.
