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3-Month Bills Turmoil Ahead Of March Debt Ceiling Showdown: Bid To Cover Plunges To 8 Year Lows

3-Month Bills Turmoil Ahead Of March Debt Ceiling Showdown: Bid To Cover Plunges To 8 Year Lows

Despite the GOP's tax reform victory, over the past few weeks, Congress once again punted on a formal decision how to keep government funded and what to do with America's debt ceiling and as a result US legislators simply kicked the can on the agreement of raising the nation’s borrowing limit for another few months. However, with the Treasury expected to breach the ceiling as soon as late March, today's $45 billion 3-Month Bill auction was closely watched as it serves as a fresh gauge of investor anxiety about the ongoing impasse.

The Bitcoin Effect, Gold and Silver Report 24 Dec 2017

The Bitcoin Effect, Gold and Silver Report 24 Dec 2017

Merry Christmas to our American friends. Happy Christmas to the rest of the Anglosphere. Felicem natalem Christi to our Latin-speaking audience, and góðr jól to those who are reviving Old Norse as a great language!

Let’s address two themes about the gold price trend that are increasingly in popularity the past few months—as the price of gold has been falling. Blame bitcoin. And blame rising interest rates.
