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Small Business Optimism Spikes To Highest Since 1983, There's Just One Thing...

Small Business Optimism Spikes To Highest Since 1983, There's Just One Thing...

The NFIB Small Business Optimism survey hit this morning and it surged to near record highs...


With Small Businesses having never been so excited to hire people ever...

Construction, manufacturing and professional services registered notable increases in planned hiring. The figures indicate the recent solid pace of job growth will be sustained and help extend the economic expansion.

And, of course, President Trump was over the moon...

Confused Algos Slam Stocks As Rand Paul Says "No" On Debt-Busting Budget Deal

Confused Algos Slam Stocks As Rand Paul Says "No" On Debt-Busting Budget Deal

Juist minutes after hope for Senator Cornyn on the tax bill deal sent stocks to new record highs, Senator Rand Paul threw cold water all over the government shutdown budget bill with a tweet, sparking algos to sell on the "Paul says no" headlines.

John Burbank Shuts Flagship Hedge Fund, Plans Launch Of Cryptocurrency Unit

John Burbank Shuts Flagship Hedge Fund, Plans Launch Of Cryptocurrency Unit

The writing for John Burbank's Passport Capital was on the wall back in August, when as we reported, in his latest letter to investors Burbank reported that at what was once a multi-billion fund, total firm assets at Passport had shrunk to just $900 million as of June 30 as a result of net outflows totaling a whopping $565 million, or a nearly 40% loss of AUM due to redemptions. The collapse in assets took place just a few months after Passport announced it was liquidating its long/short strategy in April.
