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Maduro "Wake Up" Call For OPEC As Venezuela Crude Crashes To 13 Year Lows

Maduro "Wake Up" Call For OPEC As Venezuela Crude Crashes To 13 Year Lows

Venezuela's crude oil basket price collapsed to as low as $20.20 yesterday, according to the socialist utopia's President Maduro. Having already "passed the point of no return," Maduro rages that OPEC producers appear to be "finally waking up" to what they have unleashed noting that, according to him, Russia's Putin has agreed to "work on oil price issues."

More jawboning and hope...

Schlumberger's Terrifying Moment Of Truth About The US Energy Sector

Schlumberger's Terrifying Moment Of Truth About The US Energy Sector

Having laid off 10,000 employees (and boosted his share buyback program by $10 billion - because that has worked out so well in the past), it appears Schlumberger CEO Paal Kibsgaard unleashes some very uncomfortable truthiness on his audience this morning during the earnings call... "For many of our customers, available cash and annual budgets were exhausted well before the halfway point for the fourth quarter... as pricing levels for frackers has dropped into unsustainable territory."

"Perma-bears" 1 - BofA Economist 0

"Perma-bears" 1 - BofA Economist 0

Last May, after the "harsh snowfall" of Q1 crushed US GDP (when it was really the bursting of China's shadow banking bubble) leading to sellside analysts first, and then the Bureau of Economic Analysis to decide the time has come to double seasonally GDP data to avoid such embarrassments as a negative print in the middle of a recovery, Bank of America's chief economist Ethan Harris rushed to declare victory.

Explicitly targeting the "perma-bears" this is what Harris said:
