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When The Hockeystick Breaks: The IMF Gives Up On China Growth

When The Hockeystick Breaks: The IMF Gives Up On China Growth

Earlier we showed that despite its 16th cut to world GDP growth forecasts (out of the past 21), the IMF still believes that the hockeystick rebound to global growth is just around the corner:


However, one place where not even the IMF can in good conscience predict a hockeystick-like rebound in growth, is China, where the IMF now expects GDP to grow only 6.3% in 2016, dropping to an even lower 6.0% in 2017.

This is what the IMF warned about the risks to its overall outlook, which not surprisingly are focused on China:

A Central Banking Insider Just Admitted QE CANNOT Generate Growth...

Last week a Central Banker made the most incredible admission in the history of banking.


It came from the Bank of Japan.


The Bank of Japan has been the leader in global Keynesian insanity. The US Federal Reserve launched its first QE program in 2008. The European Central Bank launched its first QE program in 2015.


The Bank of Japan first launched QE back in 2001.


Why The 10Y Yield Will Slide To 1.75%: Deutsche Bank Explains

Why The 10Y Yield Will Slide To 1.75%: Deutsche Bank Explains

Two months ago, before the Fed's rate hike was largely perceived as a market-spooking policy mistake, we laid out Deutsche Bank's three stage scenario on how to trade "The Fed's Upcoming "Policy Error", one which could be summarized as follows: the 10Y starts off strong, weakens into the summer to 2.50% on tantrum fears, then proceeds to surge higher as the Fed acknowledges its error, and hits a yield of 2.00% at the end of the year.
