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WTI Crude Crashes Under $30 After EIA Cuts Demand, Increases Production Forecast

WTI Crude Crashes Under $30 After EIA Cuts Demand, Increases Production Forecast

In yet another hit for the energy complex, EIA just cut their global oil demand forecast to 95.19 million barrels a day this year (down from 95.22 million in December’s outlook). The energy agency also increased its forecast for global production to 95.93 million barrels a day (up from 95.79 million last month). This pressured WTI Crude back off a brief bounce and pushed it to a 20-handle at $29.97 for the first time since December 2003.

Here's The Real Reason High Yield Energy Credit Risk Collapsed This Morning

Here's The Real Reason High Yield Energy Credit Risk Collapsed This Morning

A few market participants have noticed that the US High Yield Energy sector's credit risk collapsed 170bps this morning according to Bloomberg's data. This is the biggest plunge (rally) in the index of "incredibly risky stuff" on record and in the face of new cycle lows in crude, borrowing bases contracting, and rig counts crashing, this seemed odd... well here is why the index collapsed (spoiler alert - do not get excited).

So this happened and everyone rejoiced...


But here is why...


Sharp Squeeze, Highest Foreign Central Bank Demand Since 2009 Lead To Scorching 3 Year Auction

Sharp Squeeze, Highest Foreign Central Bank Demand Since 2009 Lead To Scorching 3 Year Auction

It just never fails.

Earlier today, the 3 Year was the only place on the curve that was trading special in repo, at a rate of -0.35% as shown in the Stone McCarthy chart below, with no shortages at any other point:

That, as regular readers know, has been a nearly flawless predictor of auction strength, and the potential for a short squeeze into the 1pm issuance.
