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Chinese Market Bailout Fizzles As US Futures Fade Overnight Gains; German Dax Slides Back Under 10,000

Chinese Market Bailout Fizzles As US Futures Fade Overnight Gains; German Dax Slides Back Under 10,000

When we previewed yesterday's Chinese trading session, which far more important to the US market than today's Nonfarm payrolls report (Exp. +200K, 4.9% Unemployment rate), we said to "keep an eye on the Yuan fixing around 8 pm: if the USDCNY sees another substantial jump (i.e., Yuan decline) from last night's 5 year low rate of 6.5646, this could suggest further turbulence and as all self-fulfilling prophecies go, unleash another pukefest which not even the circuit breaker adjustment will fix.

Monsanto Knew Their Herbicide Caused Cancer 40 Years Ago

Monsanto knowingly released herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) to the public, knowing it was cancer-causing, some 40-years-ago an independent inquiry has discovered.  A series of secretive studies reveals that Monsanto hand-picked selective data from a dozen different experiments in order to falsely claim that Roundup was safe to use on crops consumed by humans.
