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Monsanto Knew Their Herbicide Caused Cancer 40 Years Ago

Monsanto knowingly released herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) to the public, knowing it was cancer-causing, some 40-years-ago an independent inquiry has discovered.  A series of secretive studies reveals that Monsanto hand-picked selective data from a dozen different experiments in order to falsely claim that Roundup was safe to use on crops consumed by humans. reports: Rather than present the actual data procured in these studies, many of which exposed Roundup as dangerous and highly poisonous, Monsanto introduced outlying controls to neutralize the findings and make it appear as though Roundup is perfectly safe. Samsel successfully obtained the hidden Monsanto studies after petitioning his senator for access. Along with Dr. Seneff and Samsel pored through the documents, concluding that, contrary to Monsanto’s reinterpretation of the findings, “significant evidence of tumours was found during these investigations.” “‘[T]o create doubt and obscure the statistical significance of inconvenient findings, which may have prevented product registration,’ Monsanto introduced irrelevant historical control data from other experiments,” reports When industry studies show unfavorable results, corporations just add ‘experimental noise’ Monsanto has spent an inordinate amount of time and money over the years attempting to construct studiesthat it hopes will arrive at preconceived findings in favor of Roundup [...]