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"Devastated" Short Who Launched Online Begging Campaign To Fund Margin Call Was Right: KaloBios Disintegrates

Back on November 19, we told the tragic tale of one Joe Campbell. It went as follows.

In early November, the company which we dubbed as "one of the countless fly-by-night biotech pennystocks", the now infamous drug developer KaloBios Pharmaceuticals said it would wind down its operations and that it had engaged restructuring firm Brenner Group to help liquidate its assets. The company said it was "highly unlikely that exploring strategic options could generate a viable transaction within the time frame, given its limited cash resources.

Buyback Bloodbath & Beyond: How BBBY Lost $1.7 Billion Buying Back Its Own Stock

We have been following the slow at first, and now very fast-moving disaster that is Bed Bath And Beyond with close interest for years, at first with detached amusement (Bed, Bath & Beyond Buybacks Authorizes Another $2 Billion In Stock Repuchases) and increasingly with amazement, as the company launched an unprecedented stock buyback spree to mask the relentless deterioration in its underlying business.
