The world’s most powerful media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, is in the oil business nowadays. Murdoch is the founder of News Corp and Fox news who inherited his ‘news’ empire from his father. He now part owns an oil company with Lord (Jacob) Rothschild that is about to start drilling in disputed land between Israel and Syria. The Australian born American tycoon loves to promote war, chaos, fear, pleasure and nonsensical ‘talking points’ as news on his media outlets. His influence and power over politicians, and vice-versa, has always been legend. Examiner reports: Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch owns oil company poised to drill in Syria Over the years Fox News has become known for its unflinching support for any and all acts of western military aggression, no matter how deranged or strategically apocalyptic they’ve proven to be. For the most part, the push for war with Syria has fit this pattern more or less identically, with Fox News giving the same pundits the same time in the spotlight that they did for Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and the failed attempt to initiate war with Iran. Rupert Murdoch’s usual “money over journalism” approach is particularly amplified in Syria, however with his stock ownership in Genie [...]