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These Are The Junk Bond Trades That "Obliterated" Traders In 2015

When the word 'bloodbath' just doesn't quite sum it up, distressed debt investors's bonuses have been obliterated in 2015. Despite seeking safety away from oil and coal companies, one trader exclaimed, the pain is "like cancer, it's spreading throughout the body," as every industry from materials to retail and industrials has collapsed... though, as Bloomberg reports, some investments stood out in their awfulness.

Crude Slips Despite Resumption Of Oil Rig Count Declines

After a surprise surge last week, the US oil rig count resumed its decline this week (dropping 3 to 538). Gas rigs dropped 6 in the last week (as the Nattie glut continues). Crude oil prices fell very modestly on the rig count data (having run stops to FOMC day gaps).

Rig count continues to track lagged oil price almost perfectly...


Crude slipped very modestly...

Having run stops to last week's major inventory build...


Charts: Bloomberg

Is This The Secret Behind Santa's Rally?

We exposed the ugly truth below the surface of Santa's rally yesterday, but today it just got even more fantastical...


The "Arms Index" or "TRIN" is a technical analysis indicator that compares advancing and declining stock issues and trading volume as an indicator of overall market sentiment.

Remember, you have to believe (in The Fed) to receive (from The Market) before these jaws of doom will snap shut one way or the other.

And it's not FANGs that are dragging the index higher...


This Is Canada's Depression: Surging Crime, Soaring Suicides, Overwhelmed Food Banks "And The Worst Is Yet To Come"

Back in March, we brought you “Drugs, Prostitution, Violence Plague Oil Boom Towns Gone Bust,” in which we detailed the plight of towns like Sidney and Bainville, Montana, where the slump in oil revenue has made it all but impossible for local authorities to cope with surging crime rates that some attribute to the influx of oil workers the communities experienced in the good old days of high crude prices. 
