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Chasing Unicorns - 5 Investing Myths That Will Hurt You

Chasing Unicorns - 5 Investing Myths That Will Hurt You

Submitted by Lance Roberts via,

In the summer of 1885 William R. Travers, prominent NYC businessman and builder of Saratoga Race Track, was vacationing in Newport, Rhode Island. He pointed out a long line of beautiful yachts tied up in the harbor. When he was informed that they all belonged to Wall Street brokers he simply asked,

“Where are their clients’ yachts?”.

"The Cost Is Very High": Portugal Taxpayers Face €3 Billion Loss After Second Bank Bailout In 2 Years

"The Cost Is Very High": Portugal Taxpayers Face €3 Billion Loss After Second Bank Bailout In 2 Years

Back in August of 2014, Portugal had an idea. 

Lisbon would use some €5 billion from the country’s Resolution Fund to shore up (read: bailout) Portugal’s second largest bank by assets, Banco Espirito Santo. The idea, basically, was to sell off Novo Banco SA (the "good bank" that was spun out of BES) in relatively short order and use the proceeds to pay back the Resolution Fun. That way, the cost to taxpayers would be zero.

You didn’t have to be a financial wizard or a fortune teller to predict what was likely to happen next.

7 Reasons Why Oil Could Fall Even Lower Before Christmas

Submitted by Matt Smith via,

Seventy-eight years after Walt Disney released the first full-length animated feature, and seven factors in today’s crude complex are dwarfing crude prices.

Happy – Let’s start off with the good news: retail gasoline prices have dropped below $2/gallon on the national average. Prices have broken below the lows seen earlier in the year, and are now at their lowest levels since early 2009.
