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About Those Hedge Fund Performance And Management Fees

Submitted by Dominique Dassault of Global Slant

Serial Debate About Hedge Fund Performance Fees Is Feckless While Management Fee Debate Is Legitimate.

As many hedge funds are getting “crushed” this year it has become fashionable to bash the industry’s entire fee structure…typically [but not always] 2% management fee & 20% of profits. Obviously, there won’t be too many 20% profit distributions to the portfolio management teams this year but the 2% management fee has been/will be applied. And that may “piss off” some people.

The Next Domino: CANADA

The Federal Reserve has kept its zero interest rate policy (‘ZIRP’) for several years (and much longer than originally anticipated) whilst the European Central Bank seems to be getting serious about doing ‘better’ and has now reduced the deposit rate at the ECB to -0.30%. It’s already remarkable a central bank doesn’t seem to have any problem to reduce interest rates into the negative territory, but now Canada is considering making the same step as well.


Middle-East Opens Weak: Dubai Stocks Slump To 2-Year Lows As Financials Tumble

Following Friday's further freefall in crude oil prices, The Middle East is opening down notably. Abu Dhabi, Saudi, and Kuwait are lower; Israel is weak and UAE and Qatar are tumbling, but Dubai is worst for now.  Dubai is down for the 6th day in a row (dropping over 3% - the most in a month) extending the opening losses to 2-year lows. The 11% drop in the last 6 days is the largest since the post-China-devaluation global stock collapse. Leading the losses are financial and property firms.

Emerging Market Vulnerability - The Most Likely For Disruption From Fed Liftoff

The build-up in credit or leverage in many Emerging Market economies has been an important focus for EM investors given historical episodes of credit crunches and subsequent growth slowdowns. While broadly speaking, EM stocks began to drastically underperform DM stocks at the start of QE3...


Goldman summarizes in a heat map, the EM nations with greatest potential for the upcoming Fed liftoff to cause a major disruption.

The darkest shaded regions indicate the largest risks.


December 16, 2015 - When The End Of The Bubble Begins

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

They are going to layer their post-meeting statement with a steaming pile of if, ands & buts. It will exude an abundance of caution and a dearth of clarity.

Having judged that a 25 bps pinprick is warranted, the FOMC will then plant itself firmly in front of the great flickering dashboard in the Eccles Building. There it will repose to a regimen of “watchful waiting”, scouring the entrails of the “incoming data” to divine its next move.
