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All Of The World's Money And Markets In One Visualization

All Of The World's Money And Markets In One Visualization

Millions, billions, and trillions...

When we talk about the giant size of Apple, the fortune of Warren Buffett, or the massive amount of global debt accumulated – all of these things sound large, but they are actually extremely different in magnitude.

That’s why, as Visual Capitalists' Jeff Desjardins explains, visualizing things spatially can give us a better perspective on money and markets.

How Much Money Exists?

China: Shadow Bank Inflows Are Critical To Sustain The Ponzi... But They're Falling

China: Shadow Bank Inflows Are Critical To Sustain The Ponzi... But They're Falling

During the Party Congress, even China’s somewhat watered down versus of the free markets was suspended so as not to disturb the glorification of Xi Jinping as the nation’s greatest leader since Mao. Returning to “business as usual”, some commentators have been disturbed by the continued rise in government bond yields with the 10-year hitting 3.93% earlier this week.

Bloomberg described it this morning as a “tumultuous few days”.

1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

1MDB Scandal Resurfaces As Singapore Cops Investigate Goldman's Lucrative Bond Issues

We have another instalment in the investigation into the mind-boggling level of corruption at 1MDB, (1Malaysia Development Berhad), the Malaysian state-owned investment fund. Members of the Singapore police’s economic crime unit have interviewed current and former Goldman employees with respect to the 1MDB bond offerings arranged by the bank.
