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"If You Want To Get Rich...Climb Into A Time Machine"

"If You Want To Get Rich...Climb Into A Time Machine"

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

There's a profound difference between assets that produce no income and those that produce net income.

To those of us nutty enough to pore over dozens of pages of data on wealth and income in the U.S., the Federal Reserve's quarterly Z.1 reports and annual Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) are treasure troves, as are I.R.S. tax and income reports.

Weekend Reading: Markets Love Central Banks - No Matter What They Do

Weekend Reading: Markets Love Central Banks - No Matter What They Do

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

I discussed yesterday, the apparent “myth” of the Fed’s proposed “balance sheet reduction” program as the most recent analysis shows a $13.5 billion “reinvestment” into their balance sheet which has helped fuel the recent market advance.

But therein lies the potential “fatal flaw” of the “bullish logic.” 

China's Congress Is Over, And So Is The Period Of "Coordinated Global Growth"

It is hardly a secret that thanks to nearly $4 trillion (at least) in credit creation in 2017 - more than the rest of the developed world combined - China has been the proverbial (and debt-funded) "growth" dynamo behind the recent period of "coordinated global growth." Unfortunately, much if not all of this was window dressing for the just concluded 19th Communist Party Congress, which in not so many words, made Xi Jinping into a de facto emperor with no apparent or otherwise heirs.
