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China's Rise, America's Fall

China's Rise, America's Fall

Via Golem XIV's blog,

Will the rise of China mean the fall of America?  In a word, yes. Although decline might be more accurate.

Why do I think this?  Because China is about to launch the PetroYuan and when it does the demand for dollars and for dollar denominated debt will shrink. When it does, I question whether the world will be so sanguine about the level of debt that America carries. If that happens then the value of the dollar is in question.

The Time Has Come: Venezuela May Be In Default In Under 48 Hours

The Time Has Come: Venezuela May Be In Default In Under 48 Hours

This past weekend, Venezuela failed to make $237 million in bond coupon payment, blaming "technical glitches" when in reality it simply did not have the money (or wish to part with it). Adding the $349 million in unpaid bond interest accumulated over the past month as of last Friday, that brings Caracas' unpaid bills to $586 million this month, just days before the nation must make a critical principal payment.

Muni Investors Celebrate "Juicy" 3.74% Yield On New Illinois Bonds As State Hurdles Toward Bankruptcy

Muni Investors Celebrate "Juicy" 3.74% Yield On New Illinois Bonds As State Hurdles Toward Bankruptcy

Muni investors seem to be absolutely elated today by the opportunity to scoop up their fair share of $4.5 billion worth of new Illinois bonds due in 2028 at a "juicy" yield of 3.74%...which makes a ton of sense if you can look beyond the fact that the state looks to be on an inevitable collision course with bankruptcy. 

Be that as it may, Wells Fargo Portfolio Manager Garbriel Diederich insists that the new issue "offers a tremendous amount of yield in a pretty yield-starved environment." Per Bloomberg: 
