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US Spent A Record $4 Trillion In Fiscal 2017, Pushing Deficit To $666 Billion

One year ago, the CBO forecasted that the  Fiscal 2017 US deficit (for the year ended September 30), would be in the mid-$500 billion range. It was not meant to be, however, and on Friday the Treasury reported that with outlays of $341 billion in the last month of the fiscal year, offset by $349 billion in receipts, the full year deficit grew to a nice, round and very memorable $666 billion in fiscal 2017, up $80 billion or 14% from fiscal 2016. The government ran an $8 billion surplus in September, much smaller than the $33 billion surplus in September 2016.

...And "Horrible, Unacceptable" GE Goes Green

...And "Horrible, Unacceptable" GE Goes Green

Having tumbled 10% in the pre-open after massively missing earnings expectations and slashing guidance, panic-dip-buyers have stepped in and (thanks in large part to passive index buyers flooding into The Dow), General Electric is now green...

"Kitchen sink" is the new no-brainer... as CEO call sit "horrible and unacceptable"


Dow-buyers helping out (and it looks like some Dow vs GE pairs hit at the open)...


It seems Dow at 1000x the price of GE remains solid resistance...
