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Nomi Prins: A Decade Of G7 Central Bank Collusion... And Counting

Authored by Nomi Prins,

Since late 2007, the Federal Reserve has embarked on grand-scale collusion with other G-7 central banks to manufacture a massive amount of money. The scope and degree of this collusion are historically unprecedented and by admission of the perpetrators, unconventional in approach, and - depending on the speech - ineffective.

Where There's [Almost] "Blood In The Streets" In America Today...

Where There's [Almost] "Blood In The Streets" In America Today...

Authored by Simon Black via,

In the spring of 1871 after a miserable defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, Paris plunged into a major crisis as local citizens revolted against the government.

Financial markets went berserk as a result, and the prices of French government bonds plummeted.

There’s an old story that an heir to a large fortune came calling to the offices of the Rothschild banking family looking for investment advice.

Bitcoin's Rise To Record Highs In Context

Bitcoin's Rise To Record Highs In Context

After a two-year long bear market, bitcoin came roaring back in 2016, and has been climbing ever since.

The digital currency reached a new all-time high above $4,650 on Tuesday, an increase of more than 350% year-to-date. The sheer intensity of its gains has inspired some comparisons to the digital currency's initial run-up, which ended with the collapse of bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox in early 2014, marking the end of the first bitcoin bull market.
