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How Long Can The Fed Keep The Boom Going?

How Long Can The Fed Keep The Boom Going?

Authored by Thorstein Polleit via The Mises Institute,

The US bond market trades at a quite high valuation. For instance, the 10-year US Treasury bond presents a price earnings (PE) ratio of 43. In other words: It takes 43 years for the investor to recoup the bond’s purchase price through coupon payments; the bond market’s PE ratio even went up to 68 in June 2012 and July 2016, respectively.

Fitch Warns Baidu Faces "Default Risk" Due To Growing Shadow Banking Business

Fitch Warns Baidu Faces "Default Risk" Due To Growing Shadow Banking Business

Less than a week after Moody's downgraded China's sovereign credit rating, prompting an unprecedented currency response by the PBOC which as noted earlier resumed its crusade against Yuan shorts by sending CNH overnight deposit rates as high as 65%, on Wednesday another rating agency, Fitch, took aim at what many consider the weakest link in China's financial system: the nearly $9 trillion in shadow banking "assets", of which roughly $4 billion are Wealth Management Products.

Are Stock Traders Actually More Pessimistic Than Bond Traders?

Are Stock Traders Actually More Pessimistic Than Bond Traders?

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

As a former equity guy, it pains me to say that when the bond and equity markets are at odds, it usually pays to go with the bond guys. Let’s face it, the bond guys are better at math, often smarter, and less likely to fall for a story. Therefore I am a little at a loss regarding this next chart, as it appears the stock jockeys are more sanguine about rates than the fixed income crew.

Is Bitcoin Standing In For Gold?

Is Bitcoin Standing In For Gold?

Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler

In a series of articles posted on, we have proven to our satisfaction that the prices of gold and silver are manipulated by the bullion banks acting as agents for the Federal Reserve.

The bullion prices are manipulated down in order to protect the value of the US dollar from the extraordinary increase in supply resulting from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) and low interest rate policies.
