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New Real-Estate Website Helps Conservatives Leave "Commie-Fornia" For North Texas

New Real-Estate Website Helps Conservatives Leave "Commie-Fornia" For North Texas

While leftists accuse red states that went for Trump during the election of being “moochers” – i.e. they receive more federal aid dollars than they collect from their residents – some on the right are already trying to encourage their conservative peers to leave liberal states like California behind and return to the American heartland, a local CBS affiliate reports.

$75,560: The Cost Of Housing A Prisoner For One Year In California

$75,560: The Cost Of Housing A Prisoner For One Year In California

Californians have grown accustomed over the years to massively overpaying for public services and infrastructure projects.  In fact, one has to look no further than Jerry Brown's two largest, ongoing pet projects, including the infamous 'High Speed Rail' and 'Delta Tunnels', for a couple of examples of California's complete obsession with wasting taxpayer money.

US Plans First Ever ICBM Intercept Next Tuesday

Less than a month after the US Air Force successfully test fired two Minuteman ICBM missiles from California's Vanderberg Air Force base, which hit a target approximately 4,200 miles away at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, today Pentagon officials said that the US will try to shoot down an intercontinental-range missile for the first time in a test next week, in "preparation for North Korea's growing threat." According to AP, the stated goal is "to more closely simulate a North Korean ICBM aimed at the U.S. homeland."
