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New Real-Estate Website Helps Conservatives Leave "Commie-Fornia" For North Texas

While leftists accuse red states that went for Trump during the election of being “moochers” – i.e. they receive more federal aid dollars than they collect from their residents – some on the right are already trying to encourage their conservative peers to leave liberal states like California behind and return to the American heartland, a local CBS affiliate reports.

This week, company founder Paul Chabot says the first two homes owned by clients in California will go on the market. Five more clients are actively searching for homes in North Texas. There have been inquiries he said from more than 500 people, in more than 40 states. The website even has its own catchy tagline: “Helping Families Move Right.”

“They’re dead serious,” he said of those showing an interest in moving to Texas. “They are absolutely dead serious on doing it.” Chabot made the move himself with his wife and four children in January. After unsuccessfully running for Congress in California twice, he said the state just didn’t represent him anymore. “Thank God I am gone,” Chabot said during an interview on Fox. “I don’t miss it.”

The site offers a simple arrangement, connecting sellers with conservative realtors to unload their current home, and then with conservative realtors in North Texas to find a new one, CBS reports.

“Finding homes based on political preference isn’t really that hard,” said realtor Derek Baker. "In North Texas that’s just about anywhere."


“What we’re trying to do is appeal to someone based on the same values and reasons that we live here,” Baker told the local CBS affiliate.

Baker and Chabot had dozens of new leads Tuesday morning, from people in California cities like Chino, Upland and Modesto. One wrote they wanted to move within the next two years. Another wrote they were tired of “Commie-fornia.”