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Central Intelligence Agency

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich Warns Congress that CIA Wiretaps Are Real and It Happened to Him

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich Warns Congress that CIA Wiretaps Are Real and It Happened to Him

Restive cerements of the left have given pard-like support for the CIA  -- believing the motives of the heralded agency to be only just and honorable, in  spite of all of the evidence suggesting otherwise. Hysterically, it was the left who've always been reticent about the motives of the CIA. According to a poll done by the WSJ/NBC, support for the CIA is soaring in recent months, alongside cognitive dissonance -- due to ephemeral dreams of deep state coups being plotted against the Trump regime.

Chart Of The Day: Democrats Now Like The CIA More Than Republicans

Via Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Never mind decades of coups, mind-control programs, media infiltration, faulty intelligence and overseas election meddling, all it took was an embarrassing loss from Hillary Clinton to spark a furious love affair between Democrats and the CIA. It appears unaccountable intelligence agency worship is suddenly a “liberal” position. Who knew!

The following poll was taken two months ago, but many of you probably missed it back then. The shift is simply mind-boggling.
