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Central Intelligence Agency

CIA & FBI: Trump Ties To Russia “Complete Garbage”

US intelligence officials from the CIA and FBI claim that allegations that the Trump Administration have ties to Russia are “grossly overstated” and “completely wrong”. According to White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, rumors about Trump having ties to Russia are based on pure fantasy. “I can assure you, the top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that [the allegation] is not only grossly overstated, but also wrong,” Priebus told Fox News Sunday. “They have made it very clear that the story is complete garbage,” he said.

WikiLeaks: CIA Asked Canada To Help Hack French Election

A set of WikiLeaks documents reveal that the CIA enlisted Canada as one of several countries to help them hack the 2012 French presidential election. According to three CIA tasking orders released on Thursday, the Central Intelligence Agency requested that French president Francois Hollande, former president Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen all be “closely monitored,” as part of an attempt by the U.S. government to influence the outcome of the election.

Paul Craig Roberts Explains The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies. Trump is now threatened by these agencies, because he rejects the neoconservative’s agenda of US world hegemony that supports the gigantic military/security annual budget.

DHS Insider: CIA And Mossad Behind DC Pedo Ring

A DHS insider claims that the CIA and Mossad are secretly behind the cover-up of a Washington DC pedophile ring, using their knowledge of politicians involved to blackmail and further their political agendas.  According to a new interview with a Department of Homeland Security agent, over one third of DC politicians are controlled by sexual blackmail, which the CIA and Mossad use to further the Deep State’s goals. reports: Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate.

The Stakes for Trump and All of Us — Paul Craig Roberts

The Stakes for Trump and All of Us

Paul Craig Roberts

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies. Trump is now threatened by these agencies, because he rejects the neoconservative’s agenda of US world hegemony that supports the gigantic military/security annual budget.
