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Central Intelligence Agency

NYTimes Uses Fake News Headline to Report Trump’s Meeting With CIA

NYTimes Uses Fake News Headline to Report Trump’s Meeting With CIA

NYTimes email report on Trump’s briefing with CIA:

“Donald Trump, after an intelligence briefing, conceded that Russia was among the possible culprits in the hacking of the D.N.C.”

Contrast this Fake News Headline from the CIA asset known as the NYTimes with what Trump actually said:

Chuck Schumer Says Trump “Dumb” For Crossing CIA

The Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Trump was acting “dumb” for crossing the intelligence community, adding that they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at him. Schumer appeared to let slip a frightening reality when it comes to the so called power of the US president over “executive branch” agencies like the CIA. Did he just threaten to have Trump assassinated?

A Case Study in the Creation of False News — Paul Craig Roberts

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

Paul Craig Roberts

For many weeks we have witnessed the extraordinary attack by the CIA and its assets in Congress and the media on Donald Trump’s election. In an unprecedented effort to delegitimize Trump’s election as the product of Russian interference in the election, the CIA, media, senators and representatives have consistently made wild accusations for which they have no evidence. The CIA’s message to Trump is clear: Get in line with our agenda, or we are going to mess you over.

Trump Is Working On A Plan To Restructure, Pare Back The CIA And America's Top Spy Agency

Trump Is Working On A Plan To Restructure, Pare Back The CIA And America's Top Spy Agency

Just in case the accusations that president-elect Donald Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin, intent on destabilizing and weakening the US weren't loud enough, moments ago the WSJ assured these would hit an unprecedented level with a report that Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan that would restructure and pare back the nation’s top spy agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, prompted by a belief that it has "become bloated and politicized."

Donald Trump Rips CIA “New One” Over Election Hacking Claims

Donald Trump has ripped the CIA a new one over faulty claims that Russia influenced the US election and helped him win.  Trump blasted the agency on Twitter late on Tuesday, criticising their decision to postpone a scheduled briefing with him to present their case for the claim that “Russian hackers” infiltrated Hillary Clinton’s campaign. reports: The tweet is a devastating and unparalleled public display of lack of confidence in the US government’s official position by a US president-elect. He is throwing down the gauntlet to the US intelligence establishment.
