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Central Intelligence Agency

Krugman's Latest Twitter Meltdown Lays Out Democrats' Next Steps

In our initial take on the WaPo report of a "secret" CIA assessment, according to which Russia, without a shred of evidence,  helped Trump win the election (it remains unclear just how Putin "hacked" several hundred thousands Rust Belt workers into believing Hillary Clinton would offshore their jobs), we summarized in five point how this was nothing short of a "soft coup" attempt by leaders of the US Intel community and Obama administration to influence the Electoral College vote. To wit:

A "Soft Coup" Attempt: Furious Trump Slams "Secret" CIA Report Russia Helped Him Win

Overnight the media propaganda wars escalated after the late Friday release of an article by the Washington Post (which last week admitted to using unverified, or fake, news in an attempt to smear other so-called "fake news" sites) according to which a secret CIA assessment found that Russia sought to tip last month’s U.S. presidential election in Donald Trump’s favor, a conclusion presented without any actual evidence, and which drew an extraordinary, and angry rebuke from the president-elect’s camp.

PropOrNot Website Exposed As CIA And Ukrainian Operation

An anonymous online group that calls itself PropOrNot (“Propaganda Or Not”) and presents itself as a site “exposing Russian Propaganda” has itself been exposed as a CIA-run operation that employs known Ukrainian fascists aimed at trolling independent media outlets with the aim of shutting them down.  Author Mark Ames found evidence that the mysterious group who published a list of so-called “Russian propaganda websites” (falsely naming the likes of InfoWars, ZeroHedge, YourNewsWire, and others) was actually itself a propaganda campaign instigated by the U.S. and Ukraine.

WikiLeaks: CIA Supplied Podesta Pedo Email Evidence

CIA and US intelligence operatives are responsible for handing over emails to Wikileaks that exposed John Podesta being connected to a Washington pedophile ring. According to insiders, Russia were not responsible for the Podesta email hack as is falsely reported by the media. Elements within US intelligence wished to expose the depravity of Clinton and her cronies and so took it upon themselves to release the emails to WikiLeaks.
