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PropOrNot Website Exposed As CIA And Ukrainian Operation

An anonymous online group that calls itself PropOrNot (“Propaganda Or Not”) and presents itself as a site “exposing Russian Propaganda” has itself been exposed as a CIA-run operation that employs known Ukrainian fascists aimed at trolling independent media outlets with the aim of shutting them down.  Author Mark Ames found evidence that the mysterious group who published a list of so-called “Russian propaganda websites” (falsely naming the likes of InfoWars, ZeroHedge, YourNewsWire, and others) was actually itself a propaganda campaign instigated by the U.S. and Ukraine. reports: Last month, the Washington Post gave a glowing front-page boost to an anonymous online blacklist of hundreds of American websites, from marginal conspiracy sites to flagship libertarian and progressive publications. As Max Blumenthal reported for AlterNet, the anonymous website argued that all of them should be investigated by the federal government and potentially prosecuted under the Espionage Act as Russian spies, for wittingly or unwittingly spreading Russian propaganda. My own satirical newspaper was raided and closed down by the Kremlin in 2008, on charges of “extremism”—akin to terrorism—which I took seriously enough to leave for home for good. What the Washington Post did in boosting an anonymous blacklist of American journalists accused of criminal treason is one of the sleaziest, [...]

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