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North Carolina

FBI Supervisor Walks Into A Bar, Meets A Stripper, Wakes Up With No Gun, No Rolex, No Dignity...

FBI Supervisor Walks Into A Bar, Meets A Stripper, Wakes Up With No Gun, No Rolex, No Dignity...

With a whole host of controversies surrounding the FBI, from Comey's mishandling of Hillary's email case to Mueller's Uranium One blunders, the last thing the agency needed was yet another scandal.  Unfortunately, thanks to the late night drunken antics of one counterterrorism supervisor and a gaggle of strippers, a new embarrassing scandal is exactly what they have.

The Separation Of Bathroom & State

Submitted by Roy Cordato via The Mises Institute,

The saga of the so-called Charlotte bathroom ordinance — and the state of North Carolina’s response to it — has taken on a life of its own. At the national level leftists are accusing North Carolina of bigotry while, in the name of tolerance, a growing list of performers and businesses are boycotting the state. Unfortunately, what has gotten lost in all the rhetoric surrounding this issue is the truth about both the original Charlotte law and the state’s response to it.