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UK Slams Tariffs On Bombardier: "This Is Not What We Expect From A Long-Term Partner"

UK Slams Tariffs On Bombardier: "This Is Not What We Expect From A Long-Term Partner"

It appears the Commerce Department's preliminary ruling, issued late last night, to slap a 220% tariff on Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier could trigger an all-out trade war between the UK and Canada (on one side) and the US (on the other) as public officials in the UK and Canada blasted the ruling and threatened retaliation should the sanctions, which still need to be approved by the US International Trade Commission, become permanent.

South Korea Is Preparing A "Surgical Strike" Against The North: Report

According to a report in South Korea's Munhwa Ilbo newspaper, which cites an unidentified government official, South Korea's military is preparing a "surgical strike" scenario that could wipe out North Korean command and missile and nuclear facilities following an order by S.Korea's President Moon Jae-in. Munhwa adds that the military is to report the scenario to presidential office after completing it as early as August 1.

Eyewitnesses Report Military Helicopter Escorting Cigar UFO

Several eyewitnesses in Washington have reported seeing a military helicopter escorting a cigar-shaped UFO very close to ground level, at a place called Battle Ground.  According to testimony in case 75344 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the incident occurred at 11:20 p.m. on March 21, 2016 and is one of numerous UFO sightings in the area over a period of several years.