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Congress Propose Bill For “Pre-Emptive Attack Against Iran”

A new bill being proposed by Congress will allow the U.S. to pre-emptively attack Iran in order to prevent them obtaining nuclear weapons.  H.J.Res.10, introduced in the House at the beginning of January, gives the US Armed Forces the ability to launch airstrikes against Iran without any Congressional oversight or input. reports: The title of the bill tells the tale: a bill “To authorize the use of the United States Armed Forces to achieve the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.” This legislation, introduced by Rep.

Congress Order FBI To Hand Over Hillary Clinton’s Email Server

Congress have ordered the FBI to hand over the contents of Hillary Clinton’s email server so that they can conduct an investigation into possible criminal activity.  The House Oversight Committee requested that FBI Director James Comey give them Datto Company’s secure cloud storage which contains the Hillary’s server contents. reports: Datto, Inc. informed Congress in October 2015 it provided the FBI with the storage node of containing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

CRA: The "Regulatory Game Changer" That Could Wipe Out 8 Years Of Obama Regs In An Hour

CRA:  The "Regulatory Game Changer" That Could Wipe Out 8 Years Of Obama Regs In An Hour

After a pompous, liberal agenda was crammed down the throats of the American people during his first two years in office, President Obama suffered staggering losses in Congress for the next six years that cost Democrats control of both houses.  But, heavy Democrat losses, courtesy of an electorate that vehemently rejected a far-left agenda, didn't stop Obama from continuing to push through countless new rules and regulations from the White House all while pushing his authority to the brink of every Constitutional boundary known to man. 

President Trump To Address Congressional Republicans (Here's What To Watch For) - Live Feed

President Trump To Address Congressional Republicans (Here's What To Watch For) - Live Feed

In the days since taking office, President Trump has followed through on some campaign promises by signing a series of executive actions, but as he takes the stage before congressional Republicans at their group retreat in Philadelphia today, he'll be asking his fellow GOP politicians for help making his agenda (specifically taxes, immigration, and Obamacare repeal) a reality.
