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"China's Big Reshuffle": A Preview Of The Year's Biggest Political Event, China's 19th Party Congress

"China's Big Reshuffle": A Preview Of The Year's Biggest Political Event, China's 19th Party Congress

Nearly two years after the historic, and still mysterious "Shanghai Accord" which in early 2016 halted what at the time appeared to a global collapse in capital markets courtesy of what appears to have been unprecedented political, fiscal and monetary coordination between the developed world and China, on October 18 the world turns its attention to what is arguably the most important political event of the year, and the logical conclusion to the stabilization process which started with the Accord, when the Chinese Communist Party kicks off its 19th Party Congress, the political even

New York Times Reveals That "Russia Ads" Were Mostly Made By Americans

New York Times Reveals That "Russia Ads" Were Mostly Made By Americans

The more details that emerge about Russia’s “sophisticated” efforts to sway the November election in favor of President Donald Trump, the more ridiculous Sen. Mark Warner’s aggressive rhetoric sounds. But instead of fading away, upcoming testimony from Facebook, Twitter and maybe Google will likely keep the story on life support for the foreseeable future, especially now that Congress has succeeded in browbeating all three of the tech giants mentioned above to admit that Russian agents were buying advertising or otherwise disseminating targeted propaganda on their platforms.

China On Pace To Dethrone The US

China On Pace To Dethrone The US

Authored by James Holbrooks via,

“Not sure whether China will be nice to self-ruled Taiwan? Wait until after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party.


What’s in store for the hotly disputed, resource-rich South China Sea, where Beijing has taken a military and technological lead since 2010? Wait until after the Congress.


Coffee maker wouldn’t start today? Wait until after the Congress.

