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Trump Picks Pro Wrestling Mogul Linda McMahon To Run Small Business Administration

While some of Trump's previous administration picks have raised an eyebrow or two in the past two weeks, his choice of Linda McMahon, pro wrestling mogul and wife of WWE legend Vince McMahon, to head the Small Business Administration will likely be his most scrutizined yet.

McMahon had previously been floated as a potential appointee due to her ties to GOP causes and Trump personally, as well as Trump's history of appearances at WWE pro wrestling events.

"When Your Biggest Investment Is Now Worthless, It's Devastating" - Homes In Connecticut Are Literally Crumbling

"When Your Biggest Investment Is Now Worthless, It's Devastating" - Homes In Connecticut Are Literally Crumbling

"You can't eat, you can't sleep. When you're told your home is now worthless and your biggest investment is now worthless, it's devastating" - This is how Tim Heim, a homeowner in northeastern Connecticut describes the feeling when you're told the concrete foundation of your home is crumbling, and your house is gradually collapsing.

State Of The States: New Jersey's Problems Are Not "Mathematically Solvable"

State Of The States: New Jersey's Problems Are Not "Mathematically Solvable"

While the warning flags are raging in Illinois and Connecticut, JPMorgan's Michael Cembalest states that New Jersey's problems are "not mathematically solvable." The stunning admission from a status-quo-sustaining bank that is “very focused on the total indebtedness of US states," should be worrisome enough but as Cembalest explains the answer to a debt problem is not always piling up more debt; the issue is to address the root of the problem, which can be a delicate and at times politically incorrect topic.

Trump Dominates Tuesday’s Voting

Trump swept all five states tonight as expected, and actually did a bit better than the polls indicated. He not only won a majority of the vote in every state, but came close to 60% or exceeded it in several places. With half the vote counted at 10:00 Eastern, Trump was at 57% in Pennsylvania. Trump also took 59% of the vote in Connecticut with almost three-quarters of precincts reporting. 61% of Delaware Republicans backed Trump with 99% reporting, and his percentage was even higher in Rhode Island.
