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Is A Russia-Cuba Energy Deal In The Works?

Is A Russia-Cuba Energy Deal In The Works?

Authored by Irina Slav via,

The chief executive of Russian state oil major Rosneft met yesterday with Cuba’s President Raul Castro, suggesting that the two are working on an energy deal, Reuters reports.

Rosneft started exporting crude oil to the Caribbean island earlier this year as its main supplier, Venezuela, struggled with a decline in its own production, and in October Sechin said there were plans to increase oil shipments to Cuba.

White House Moves To Formally Reverse Obama-Era Detente With Cuba

White House Moves To Formally Reverse Obama-Era Detente With Cuba

After months of blustery rhetoric and half measures, the White House is finally taking steps to undo another one of former President Barack Obama’s legacy-defining foreign-policy accomplishments.

The Washington Post reports that, in a landmark ruling, the Trump administration is reversing some of Obama detente with Cuba by cracking down on travel and business with the island.

Trump Administration Will Defend Cuba Embargo In Symbolic UN Vote

A series of mysterious sonic attacks on US diplomatic personnel (and more than a few spies) working at Washington’s Havana embassy have provided ample justification for the White House to reverse the US-Cuba detente negotiated by the Obama administration. And in a gesture that - though it has no implications for policy - is considered symbolically important, the State Department said Thursday the US will defend America’s decades-old economic embargo on Cuba by voting against a UN resolution condemning it, the Associated Press reported.
