The German 'Anti-Trump' That Could Beat Merkel

Submitted by Saxo Bank's Clemens Bomsdorf via,
Submitted by Saxo Bank's Clemens Bomsdorf via,
Submitted by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,
The new law applies only to legitimate asylum seekers, not to the hundreds of thousands of economic migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East who have entered Germany illegally by posing as asylum seekers.
Authored by David Hay, via,
"Low interest rates cause secular stagnation: they do not cure it.” -CHARLES GAVE
“Negative interest rates are the dumbest idea ever.” -JEFF GUNDLACH, the new “King of Bonds”
“Laugh but listen.” -WINSTON CHURCHILL, addressing the British House of Commons, warning it once again of the rising threat posed by Nazi Germany, to derisive laughter.
This week, many German citizens were appalled to hear the details of what allegedly occurred on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.
According to eyewitness accounts and a number of apparent victims, hundreds of “Arab or North African” men engaged in coordinated sexual assaults and robberies across Germany with attacks reported in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart.