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Dramatic Timelapse Footage Of Fort McMurray House Burning Down As Owner Watches On WebCam

Yesterday we showed dramatic footage from various dash cams capturing the "apocalyptic" inferno that has made a burning ghost town out of Fort McMurray and is still raging in the heart of the Alberta oil sands. Today we present something more personal: in the following clip, Fort McMurray resident James O’Reilly watches on his iPhone as his home of almost 20 years burned to the ground just minutes after he and his wife fled the oncoming wildfire.

Stunning Dash Cam Footage From Inside Alberta's "Apocalyptic" Inferno

The fire burning in the middle of Canada's oil sands, which as reported earlier has led to the evacuation of over 80,000 local residents, has resulted in is set to trim oil output by about 500kbp for about 10 days, has been described as "apocalyptic." The following dash cam videos which have captured the reality for some 80,000 local residents demonstrate why. 

Obama Chugs A Glass Of Flint Water, Says It Is "Drinkable"

Earlier today, Obama landed in Flint, Michigan, his first visit to the city since its contaminated drinking water crisis began two years ago. Air Force One landed at Bishop International Airport and Gov. Rick Snyder was among the officials waiting on the tarmac to greet the president.

With him, Obama brought a message of hope to residents of Flint, Michigan: a promise for change after lead from old pipes tainted their drinking water.

Core Durable Goods Orders Tumble For 14th Month To Lowest Since 2013

Core Durable Goods Orders Tumble For 14th Month To Lowest Since 2013

As the avalanche of data comes to an end for today, following factory orders, durable goods final data for March paints an ugly picture of the US manufacturing economy. Not only did Core Durable Goods Orders drop 1.4% YoY - the most since Dec 2015 - but the overall level fell to its lowest since Dec 2013.


The 14th straight month of YoY declines has not occurred absent an overall US economic recession, and this is the first 27-month decline since Lehman...


Charts: Bloomberg

Mass Evacuations As Wildfire Engulfs Canadian City

A mandatory evacuation notice was issued for the whole city of Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, Canada on Tuesday after a raging wildfire began spreading uncontrollably The wildfire raged unchecked through the city of Fort McMurray overnight as authorities raced to complete the evacuation of its population of 80,000, fearing that hot, dry winds forecast for Wednesday would further fan the flames. We’re getting out. Fire seems to be crossing Highway 63.
