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Man To Fly Plane Into Building To Settle 9/11 Conspiracy Debate

American businessman, Paul Salo, has decided to “recreate” the 9/11 attacks by purchasing a Boeing 747 and crashing it into the side of a building at 500 mph in Thailand.  Salo says the 9/11 reconstruction is aimed at confirming or debunking the 9/11 conspiracy theory that the twin towers were brought down by controlled demolitions. Paul Salo explains: “We’re going to purchase a 747 or equivalent aircraft that’s about to go out of service, we’re going to fill it full of jet fuel, we’re going to purchase a building that’s about to be torn down in the countryside… and we’re going to crash it at 900km per hour into that building.“ reports: “If there’s just a smoking hole in the building and nothing happens, you pretty much know it was a hoax, right? Cos it’s obvious, right? “Sure, some people might be upset, but we deserve to find out what happened.” Mr Salo, who grew up in California, adds that he believes the reconstruction will discover there was “similar physics” which caused the twin towers to collapse. The terror attacks killed 2,996 people after two Boeing 767 planes hit the towers in New York on September 11, 2001. Internet [...]