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North Korea Confirm Successful H-Bomb Test Causing 5.1 Earthquake

Kim Jong-un has announced that North Korea has “successfully” tested a hydrogen bomb (H-bomb) as a magnitude 5.1 earthquake was measured near the site of a nuclear weapons unit on Tuesday night.  The South Korean weather agency said the tremor, felt 12 miles ENE of Sungjibaegam, was “artificial” – suggesting that North Korea’s claims of creating a nuclear blast are true.

Planes Struggle To Land As Airport Is Battered By Gusts

Storm Frank has been hindering pilots trying to land their jets at Birmingham Airport during 50mph cross winds. collegefreaks2000 YouTube video: Coventry Telegraph reports: Crews faced nightmare conditions as they battled to bring planes down in the blustery conditions which swept across the West Midlands on Wednesday. No flights were cancelled despite the gusts and all jets landed safely, according to a spokeswoman from the airport. But some pilots laboured to keep jets on track as they touched down in the winds, which came from the tail end of Storm Frank.
