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Millions Of Spanish Fear Government Poisoning As River Turns Green

Millions Of Spanish Fear Government Poisoning As River Turns Green

Millions of Spanish residents in Andorra and Catalonia fear they may have been poisoned by the government after the Valira river turned luminous green overnight.  The massive river was the cause of last year’s gastroenteritis outbreak, and now residents are worried that they may have been subject to mass government poisoning this time round. The Express reports: Such was the unease caused by the green water, the Mayor of Seu d’Urgell was forced to issue a statement clarifying the cause.

Could Artificial Earthquakes Trigger Disaster? Oklahoma's Risk "Now Equal To That Of San Francisco"

Could Artificial Earthquakes Trigger Disaster? Oklahoma's Risk "Now Equal To That Of San Francisco"

Via Mac Slavo of,

While Oklahoma has had a handful of notable earthquakes over the past century, it was essentially never an earthquake state.

And rightfully so, given that the USGS and other officials, up until quite recently, ranked Oklahoma’s earthquake hazard level at the second lowest level, with a patch of slightly elevated, but still moderately low areas:

Syrian Jet Shot Down Over Southern Turkey By Turkey-Backed Rebel Group

A Syrian Mig-21 fighter jet has reportedly crashed in Turkey's southern Hatay province after being shot down by the Turkey-backed Syrian rebel group Ahrar al-Sham, which is part of the Euphrates Shield operation, according to reports by Turkey's Anadolu news agency and Daily Sabah.

California Floods To Trigger "The Big One"? - Geologists Warn Of Quake Risks From Snowpack, Rising Reservoirs

California Floods To Trigger "The Big One"? -  Geologists Warn Of Quake Risks From Snowpack, Rising Reservoirs

For years geologists have warned that Southern California is overdue for "The Big One", a massive 8.0 or greater earthquake that would undoubtedly cause unprecedented death and destruction in several heavily populated urban centers sprinkled along the San Andreas Fault line. 

Tesla Autopilot Crash Caught On Dashcam

Tesla Autopilot Crash Caught On Dashcam

While Elon Musk has been all too eager to take credit for when the Tesla autopilot works as it is designed, he has repeatedly warned that it is the driver's responsibility - even though regulators have cleared the autopilot system - to ensure the self-driving car does not do stupid things. Such as this one, first reported by Electrek: several days ago, a Model S ran into a highway barrier at a construction zone near Dallas, after it failed to recognize the roadway and merge into another lane. The result: an unhappy driver and a mangled car.
